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Dr. Steven L. Fernandes felicitated by prestigious Society for Design and Process Science Award 2017, USA

Dr. Steven L. Fernandes felicitated by prestigious Society for Design and Process Science Award 2017, USA

Dr. Steven Lawrence Fernandes, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, currently pursuing his Post-Doctoral Research at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alabama Birmingham, USA was felicitated by prestigious Society for Design and Process Science Award 2017, USA on November 8, 2017 for his outstanding service contribution.

Society for Design and Process Science aims to provide a stimulating and interactive environment for scholars, industrialists and practitioners from different international communities spanning five different continents. It promotes transformative and transdisciplinary research and it engages in active exchanges of research ideas and work results involving many industries, governing bodies, educational and research institutes. Dr. Steven Lawrence Fernandes, also received first prize in Doctoral Symposium organized by Society for Design and Process Science 2017. He has dedicated this award to all his dear students at Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management.

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